Circle of support…

When I received my diagnosis I started doing a bunch of reading. I just wanted to know what to expect. But I was shocked to see people say that friends and family shied away. I thought, what, why would people leave you when you need them most. How heartless can you be? But in reading further I saw that people shy away because they don’t know what to say or because they don’t want to bring it up and upset you. Well I’m here to tell you you are not going to upset me! The diagnosis already did that! I am so blessed to have amazing family and friends who have rallied around me to cheer me on and fight this fight with me. That’s what I need and I’m here to thank you all.

Terry, my wonderful husband, I thank you for your take chargness in helping me change my diet and deciding to eat clean with me. You have gone above and beyond to find meats and vegetables safe for me to eat. Thank you for holding me when I cry and for making me laugh when there doesn’t seem to be anything to laugh about. Thank you for reminding me that I don’t NEED a Pepsi or a piece of chocolate cake. And for telling me it’s ok to cheat ONCE IN AWHILE. You are my rock and Im so glad I have you to lean on. I really hate that this has happened to us! But your strength gives me strength.

Joey, my first born, I know you had a really hard time with this news and it was hard for you to call me. But I’m so glad you have gotten past the anger and sadness. And guess what…you didn’t cry the first time you saw me after the news! Yay! I want you to be happy and strong and fight this with me by being with me and in prayer! I’ve always been so proud of you. That will never change! We will get through this together!

Melanie Sue, my beautiful daughter. When I called you you tried so hard to be strong and not cry. I was shocked when I got home and 10 minutes later you were at my house. Thank you for that. I probably would have gone to my room and cried but because I’m the “mom” I wanted to be strong for you. I really was fine for the rest of the day. You are my daughter and my friend and I’m so glad we’ve made it to this place! Thank you for fighting this fight with me!

And to my son Rylee…I’m not sure what you thought when I told you. You just said oh that sucks and walked away. You hide your emotions well and it’s not easy to tell what your feeling. If you have any questions, please don’t be afraid to ask me or your dad. I would rather you know the truth than to wonder. I can’t thank you enough for stepping up and helping out around the house. It really means a lot to come home and have dinner made or the house picked up. I’m usually pretty whip when I get home so it’s nice that you don’t mind cooking dinner. Thanks you so much.

Sue, my BFF of 38 years! You know me better than anyone and it was so hard to tell you. I’m not sure why but it was. You have have been with me through the good times and the very bad. Thank you! Your support and prayers means so much to me. You are my friend, my sister, my kindred spirit. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life. Thank you in advance for coming down when I get this journey started. I’m sure I won’t be very good company but just knowing your there will bring me great comfort!

To my SBH family and everyone who’s offered prayers and good wishes, I am so blessed to have you in my life. Thank you! I love everyone of you and with your prayers and energy I will survive! I will win this fight! I will be a champion!

Be blessed,



4 thoughts on “Circle of support…

  1. Your definitely not alone in this!! I’ve told you from the beginning that WE are fighting this together! When it’s all over….you WILL win that champion belt! I’ll make sure we get one for you! I love you more than rainbows mom! Your my best friend and best mom a daughter could ask for! I too am so blessed and happy we made it that way!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are right people do shy away
    And those that stay and message u or call you every day or some old bf shows up unexpectedly makes you rethink who does love you and those that are quit do eventually say or do something to extend that open door
    A quote we have clinger to and are still clinging to is ONE DAY AT A TIME!!
    face each challenge with that one challenge and lean on our Heavenly Father which tests your faith but there is power in prayer I love you girlie and your not alone!!!
    From one ☝️ to you that is experiencing the same
    ❤️ U

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